Stuck With Just A Shadow
A no-budget and no-time video shoot for an indie-pop song.
My Roles:
Art Direction | Cinematography | Directing | Editing | Special Effects
Stuck on an island. Lorum ipsum dollar sit met. Consectidor adipiscing elit.
In the winter of 2017, 1990future recorded an album on Wolfe Island. We had plans for a more involved, multi-shot video during this week, but as time wore on, the demands of music recording ate away the time we had planned to shoot the video. I offered up a simple concept where we would perform the song while the camera rotated to reveal each of the band members. We did three quick takes (thankfully, because the day was far colder than it looks) and the rest was an exercise in creative rotoscoping back in Toronto.

Stream of consciousness led the rotoscoping exercise. Lorum ipsum dollar sit met. Consectidor adipiscing elit.